Project Title
In-service Robotic Cleaning and Inspection Of Exxon Mobil Qit Tank 5006
EXXONMOBIL QUA IBOE Terminal Eket, Akwa Ibom State
Project Scope
• Clean, evacuate sludge, and determine the level of corrosion of tank bottom plates and walls using Ultrasonic testing (UT), SONAR, and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) probes.
• Ensuring a comprehensive assessment of tank’s bottom plate condition while the tank was still in service.
Project Title
Zero Man Entry Robotic Cleaning Of SPDC Tank 207
SPDC Forcados Oil Terminal Ogulaha, Warri Delta State.
Project Scope
• De-oil the tank to sludge level.
• Carry out pre-operations and post operations survey.
• Evacuate sludge to a level below the manhole.
• Carryout robotic cleaning and final washing of tank 207.
• Carry out onsite sludge separation and return useful crude back to the client.
Project Title
Online Robotic Tank Inspection of SPDC Diesel Tank 901
SPDC Forcados Oil Terminal Ogulaha, Warri Delta State.
Project Scope
• Visual Inspection of the internal roof using camera.
• Checking the Integrity of Tank Bottom Plates using Online Robotic Inspection System
• Internal Visual Inspection of tank floor
• Checking the Integrity of the Tank Annular Plates using Short Range Ultrasonic Testing (SRUT).
• Scanning of the Tank Shell using Automated UT
• External Visual Inspection & UT Thickness Measurements of the Shell, Nozzles & Roof
Project Title
Co2 Cleaning (Ice Blasting) Of Power Alternator
Larfarge Africa plc/Mexon Energy
Project Scope
• Co2 cleaning of power alternator
Project Title
Co2 Cleaning (Ice Blasting) Of Power Alternator
Wartisla/Greatsmith Resources Ltd
Project Scope
• Co2 cleaning of power alternator
Project Title
Smart Torquing & Tensioning
P&E Energy Tools
Project Scope
• Unbolting and tensioning of bolts using smart torque